Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sick Days

OK. I'm getting sick and tired of being sick and tired. Actually, its not me but my kids!
They have been going back and forth being sick enough that they are running fevers and can't go to school or day-care. Then one seems to be getting better and then another gets sick.
Carlie was the first just before Christmas. Then Colby followed for just a day. Then Carlie wasn't sure if she felt good again. This was when Randy's brother was here. The cousins were sick and brought some bug from FL. Then after Randy's brother and family left it was time to go back to school. But then Calvin got sick. So sick that we had to take him in and he was diagnosed with strep throat. Well, thats what Carlie, Colby and I had however we were able to fight it. Calvin was on an antibiotic for 10 days. When he was done, all the kids were feeling good for about two days. Then Colby started coughing and sounded congested and running a fever. He did this for about three days. So last Monday I took him in to see if he had an ear infection. 25 dollars and 10 minutes later the doctor said Colby's ears were fine and his throat was fine also. It was a virus that seems to be lasting more like 5 to 7 days. Well, Monday and Tuesday Colby was fine. He still had a cough but no fever. Then Wednesday I got a phone call that he was running a fever. WHATEVER!!!!! So, fortunately I was done with patients and could go and get him. In the meantime, Tuesday morning Calvin commented that he must have slept wrong because he had a crimp in the side of his neck and down his back. Then Wednesday morning Calvin said he felt better but his back and hips seemed to ache. Well, that should have been my clue. So, when I went and got my sick Colby from daycare it was then time to pick the other two up from school. Well the teacher said, Carlie says she has a sore throat and Calvin complained of feeling achy with his legs. The teacher then said, it sounded like he could be feverish. I took all the kids home and took Calvin's temp and it was elevated too! That surprised me because he just got done with a course of antibiotics. He wasn't even a week out from being done with it. So Calvin missed Thursday and Friday of school. Colby missed Thursday with day care. Carlie seemed to be the only one not getting sick, her sore throat seemed better. Friday evening Carlie started getting very watery eyes and a stuffed up nose and sounding congested. Calvin and Colby were still running low grade fevers. So once again we're missing church. The kids are all home with me. And we're not letting them do anything with anybody. We have quarantined our kids. Calvin and Carlie have Monday off from school. So hopefully by Tuesday all the kids are better.


The SSP said...

Oay vai! What an incredible pain! Hope y'all get COMPLETELY better soon! :)

ljosjo said...

Well, bummer. That is what Grandma and I are having. Sounds all to familiar. We get better then it comes back in a little different way. G-pa has been fighting it for about four weeks and G-ma is working on two and a half weeks. It's time to be over and done with it, huh?

G-pa & G-ma O