Sunday, October 5, 2008

First Day of School

The first day of school this year was a monumental one for us. Its another chapter in the Hanson Family's lives. We are done with daycare! Colby is officially in school. He is in kindergarten and he goes every day. He absolutely loves it and had been waiting patiently for this day. He is the only one in kindergarten, but he is doing well. He certainly feels like part of the group now. Last year he wanted to stay at school many times when we would drop off Calvin and Carlie. Very cute. I'm glad he is enjoying school, because the fact is that its cheaper than day care! We're saving money in that area!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a blessing that your kids love school! Hopefully it will stay that way. Too cute about Colby being so excited. I think it's so much fun that he and Natalie are in the same grade!! Move here so they can go to school together!!!! ha ha!
