Saturday, March 22, 2008

Dreary Wintery Days

This was back in February, towards the end of the month. We had one of Calvin's friends spend the weekend with us and Carlie ended up staying with the friends sister at their place. Randy got the snow blower out and the day just looked hazy and dreary. The 3 boys followed Randy single file. It looked like a momma duck and her little ducklings. It was cute. Randy did some snow blowing at our house, then he needed the boys to help him load the snow blower into the truck to take over to his parents house and snow blow out their driveway.

1 comment:

The SSP said...

Oh - I don't envy that AT ALL! I'll take rainy anyday! Except maybe once or twice a year - as long as it does the snow thing then melt by 4 in the afternoon! :)