Saturday, April 26, 2008

Intense game!

Last Thursday Colby and I were at home with Randy. He just got his knee scope done and so he was in our bedroom sacked out. Colby wanted me to play SORRY with him. I told him I needed to do a couple of things first and then I would play a game with him. Finally I was done and Colby and I started our game. Of course, Colby got all of his little men out first and I wasn't getting much action in the beginning. Then, Colby had half of his little men in the safe zone and on their way to HOME. Then I started seeing some action. I finally had all my little men out and working their way around the board. Colby had all of his men in the safe zone or home. Then I started to catch up because Colby was at the point that he was looking for certain numbers for him to go. Finally, we both had three little men in HOME and our last man was was at the last square in the safe zone. We were both looking for a number 1. It was a very intense game. We kept flipping the cards over again and again and the suspense was intense. Finally, one of us got the 1 card. It was Colby!!!!! He won a very good game of SORRY. I had a blast with him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a little competitor! Too cute. I bet it was fun!!

Aunt Doreen